About Us

Marmara University Faculty of Economics Students Congress, constituted by representatives of Faculty of Economics. The Congress is executing by student representatives and students of Faculty of Economics.

The Congress is an innovator and a comprehensive project which is consisted by student who notice the lack in this field and who has common grand in this project as a platform for students who are studying in relevant topics.

We expect that such congress will be commonly-held. Moreover, we care about that this conference will give the students an opportunity to express their opinions and to present their studies in their graduate and undergraduate level. Students who participated in such platforms will provide making major contribution through gaining experience and success in paving way of their future career.

Student who are studying in economics field, academicians, representatives of the public and private sectors, representatives of non-governmental organizations are welcome to participate Marmara University Student Conference on Economics.

This page updated by CONGRECONOMICS 2. İktisadi Bilimler Zirvesi on 27.12.2015 16:11:40

CONGRECONOMICS 2. İktisadi Bilimler Zirvesi